Every possible effort will be made by Allegiant to keep all employees and their families, customers, vendors, suppliers and delivery personnel safe from potential exposure and infection, closely following CDC and OSHA Guidelines
*If you are not feeling well or have any symptoms of any illness-fever, dry cough, etc; STAY HOME!!!!
*Masks, gloves and sanitizing agents will be supplied.
*If any tools or equipment must be shared, use disinfectant wipes to clean tools before and after use
*Avoid close or physical contact with other employees/customers/suppliers and increase personal space to at least six feet, wherever and whenever possible
*All commonly touched surfaces in building, shop and restrooms will be sanitized at the start of the workday and at the end of the workday
*All company vehicles will be sanitized on a daily basis
*Only (1) employee (driver) is allowed in any company vehicle at a time. If job requires more than (1) employee, additional vehicles will be utilized.
* All personnel should wash hands thoroughly (for 20 seconds) as often as possible. If handwashing is not available, use hand sanitizer frequently.
*All personnel will practice respiratory etiquette. Cover all coughs and sneezes.
*Report any safety of health concerns to Management
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